

BioSequin 材料

闪闪发光的植物萃取 BioSequin 服装

Radiant Matter 公司开发出了一种新材料,这种材料在结构上与孔雀羽毛和珠宝甲虫相似,具有色彩和闪光效果。这种创新材料无毒、可生物降解且低碳,无需塑料、金属、矿物或颜料。利用这种材料,我们创造出了世界上第一款 BioSequin™,这是一种绚丽闪亮的可持续塑料亮片替代品。我们的亮片可帮助纺织行业的 B2B 客户减少其产品对环境的影响。我们与斯特拉-麦卡特尼(Stella McCartney)合作,创造了第一件闪亮的 BioSequin 概念服装。

Radiant Matter
Radiant Matter is a bio-inspired material technology start-up, developing a new generation of plant-based sparkling material solutions for the circular economy. Similar to the brilliant colours seen in nature - think of peacock feathers and jewel beetles - we engineer natural structural colours that are non-toxic, biodegradable and low carbon without the use of plastics, metals, minerals or pigments.
Elissa Brunato
Elissa Brunato previously worked in Embroidery Design/Production for Ready-to-Wear and Haute Couture Houses. Here she witnessed the global and environmental implications of distantly-made design and aesthetic choices. While overseeing production sites and artisanal workshops in India, China and Italy, she saw the vast amounts of unnecessary waste at multiple stages of manufacture, damaging the environment and exposing workers to hazardous materials. Realising that the industry had no sustainable options for embellishment components and surface coatings, Elissa founded Radiant Matter.
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