Green Concept Award

Grüne Konzepte


Organisation von Raum und Zeit

HeroPAK ist ein Packaging as a Service (PaaS) Anbieter, der langlebige und wiederverwendbare Verpackungslösungen für Unternehmen anbietet, die auf den internen Warenverkehr angewiesen sind. Das "ClickLock"-System eignet sich für Logistikunternehmen mit geschlossenen Kreisläufen (insbesondere im Lebensmittel- und Einzelhandelssektor), die Verpackungsabfälle reduzieren, Betriebskosten senken und die Verpackungs- und Ladeeffizienz verbessern möchten. Auf der Grundlage der Prinzipien der Kreislaufwirtschaft verwaltet HeroPAK den gesamten Lebenszyklus der Verpackungssysteme unter Verwendung innovativer Materialien für die Verpackungs- und Logistikindustrie.

FH Campus Wien
I have graduated from FH Campus Wien which is the largest university of applied sciences in Austria with almost 70 degree programs and university courses in part-time and full-time form. I studied and graduated from the Master Degree program Packaging Technology and Sustainability. The focus on circular economy and sustainability lead me to developing the following idea for the HeroPAK business. HeroPAK offers long-term solutions to replacing single use packaging in the movement of goods in closed loop logistics.
FH Campus Wien
Benjamin Smits
Ben was an Engineer living and working in Australia before relocating to Austria. There he studied and graduated FH Campus Wien with a Master degree in Packaging Technology and Sustainability. With a heavy interest in circular economy and sustainability and family history in sea freight he spoke with industry professionals to help develop solutions to single use packaging consumption in closed-loop logistics. A hero was born from the desire to offer a simple to integrate, simple to use solution to the resource management and environmental crises.
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