Green Product Award

Grüne Produkte

Sustainable Accessories

Grausamkeitsfreie Mode mit Materialien der nächsten Generation

Miomojo ist eine italienische Marke, die tierversuchsfreie, nachhaltige Accessoires herstellt, die Tiere, Menschen und den Planeten respektieren. Mit innovativen Materialien wie AppleSkin™, Orange Fiber und BananaTex® stellen wir hochwertige, zeitlose Designs her. Für jedes verkaufte Produkt spenden wir an gemeinnützige Organisationen wie Oxfam und SEA SHEPHERD. Ethische Produktion, ein zirkulärer Ansatz und Philanthropie definieren Miomojos Mission, bewussten Konsum und eine freundlichere, nachhaltigere Welt zu inspirieren.

Miomojo srl -SB
Miomojo is an Italian brand creating cruelty-free, sustainable accessories that respect animals, people, and the planet. Using innovative materials like AppleSkin™, Orange Fiber, and BananaTex®, we craft high-quality, timeless designs. For every product sold, we donate to impactful organizations such as Oxfam and SEA SHEPHERD. Ethical production, a circular approach, and philanthropy define Miomojo’s mission to inspire conscious consumption and a kinder, more sustainable world.
Miomojo srl -SB
claudia pievani
Claudia Pievani is the visionary founder of Miomojo, an Italian brand redefining fashion with compassion and sustainability. After years in the fashion industry, Claudia sought to combine aesthetics and ethics, creating high-quality, cruelty-free accessories using next-gen materials, not fossil-fuels - nor animal derived. Just something better than the market standards.. As a B Corp leader, she champions innovative design, environmental stewardship, and philanthropy, striving for a kinder, more sustainable world that respects all living beings and the planet.
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