Green Product Award

Green Products

0rCA(r) powder

Worlds first 100% recycled Nylon powder for SLS

Using recycled nylon from used fishing nets and recycled carbon fibre from EU-based indudstrial sources we have produced a powder optimnised for use in SLS-type additive manufacturing. With our project partners, Alpha Powders of Poland, we have shown that this powder is not only viable but can go through multiple re-use cycles . PA6-CF is a well known material class in additive manufacturing so as we approach market we are gaining immediate interest from consumer good and auto sector participants, especially those in the EU. The raw material has ~95% lower CO2e vs a virgin equivalent.

Fishy Filaments Ltd
Fishy Filaments is a recycling technologist specialising in the community scale recovery of valuable Nylon 6 from used fishing gear. Our goal is to transform the econoics of that recycling so that it makes both economic and environmental sense everywhere in the world. In some locations this means making the recycling hardware off-grid capable and structuring a business process around that. In others it means adding massive value through making the raw material available to advanced manufacturing. In all cases the focus is on returning significnt value to fishign communities that own the nets.
United Kingdom
Fishy Filaments & Alpha Powders
Fishy Filaments is a UK start-up specialising in the design of community scale recycling technologies to recover high quality polymers from difficut to process waste streams. AlphaPowders is a Polish startup, operating on the leading edge of additive manufacturing, chemical technology and materials engineering.
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