Green Concept Award

Green Concepts


Living microalgae prototype for air purification

Microalgae absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen 10-40 times more efficiently than terrestrial plants. Algae-Symbiont integrates living microalgae into artifacts, creating dynamic, biodynamic prototype. This led to the development of a microalgae air purification table and module, using aluminum and acrylic for quick fabrication and modular construction, with an Arduino-controlled air pump to mimic natural algae flow. Algae-Symbiont fosters a symbiotic relationship where humans care for algae, which purify air and produce biomass for food or materials.

Hunan University
Hunan University, located in Changsha, China, is one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in the country. Founded in 976 AD, it boasts a rich history and a strong focus on research and innovation. The university offers a wide range of programs across various disciplines, emphasizing engineering, business, and the arts. Hunan University is committed to sustainability and green development, making it a leader in promoting environmentally friendly practices in education and research.
WenYe is a designer focused on sustainable design and bio-human-computer interaction. His work aims to explore mutually beneficial relationships between humans and living creatures by integrating biological vitality into artifacts, promoting a sustainable future.
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