Green Product Award

Green Products

Cho'jac items

Hardcore handicraft

The collection of bags and accessories are a reinterpretation of traditional Mayan wickerwork: it consists of the sustainable sisal of the agave cactus, vegetable-tanned leather and linen from European cultivation. Everything is handmade in small factories around Berlin. All components are durable and either repairable or replaceable. Parts of the proceeds are used to offer free, low-threshold courses for locals in the Chiapas / MX region, so that the tradition is revived and this unique cultural technique is not lost.

Cho'jac items
Cho'jac items
Thomas Kilian Bruderer
A passionate, reliable and creative Textile-Designer with well-founded experience in cross-cultural projects as well as in developing marketable products. Lecturer in Design and Textiles and Ambassador for cultural intellectual property rights® of craftsmen and women.
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