Green Concept Award

Green Concepts


Children's furniture that grows with your child

Corola is a piece of furniture designed to extend its useful life while adapting its functionality according to the different needs that may arise throughout the growth of a baby, seeking to reduce the excessive purchase of furniture, and at the same time reduce its disuse and waste. It starts as a changing table, transforms into a changing station, then into a baby chair and table set, and finally into a high chair. Nowadays, many parents have chosen to have only one child, so this product is aimed at them, to avoid discarding the furniture when they do not have another child who can use it.

Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
La UANL es una de las universidades más reconocidas del país gracias al alto rendimiento y desempeño sobresaliente de sus estudiantes. Dentro de sus varias facultades, la Facultad de Arquitectura se distingue por ser un referente en áreas creativas y de diseño a través de su programa educativo que impulsa a los estudiantes a innovar. Específicamente, la carrera de Diseño Industrial se enfoca en la formación de profesionales que combinan funcionalidad, estética e innovación para desarrollar productos que mejoren la calidad de vida.
Valeria Flores López
I graduated this year with a degree in Industrial Design from UANL's Faculty of Architecture (FARQ). Throughout my academic journey, I’ve worked on projects—both individually and in teams—that have been recognized at local and national levels. I am deeply passionate about using design as a tool to create new experiences and improve existing ones. I thrive on developing innovative ideas and enjoy collaborating with others to bring these concepts to life, always striving to push the boundaries of design to make a positive impact.
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