Green Concept Award

Green Concepts

JI Bottle

The sea buckthorn green cycle service system

The project is a comprehensive service system combining offline events, applet UI design, and brand visuals. By using sea buckthorn as a theme, the project connects urban areas with western beverage shops, allowing city residents to engage in desertification management.The project uses biodegradable materials to replace glass bottles in order to address the irreversible damage to the soil caused by glass bottles in desertification management.y recycling biodegradable materials in the city and reusing them, it creates a closed loop of two-way supply and interactive services.

中国美术学院,位于浙江省杭州市,主管部门浙江省,是中华人民共和国教育部、文化和旅游部与浙江省人民政府共建高校、国家“双一流”建设高校、浙江省首批重点建设高校, 入选国家建设高水平大学公派研究生项目、中国政府奖学金来华留学生接收院校、全国首批深化创新创业教育改革示范高校、首批国家动画教学研究基地、首批来华教育示范基地,是社会艺术水平考级机构。中国美术学院始建于1928年,时称国立艺术院,由教育家蔡元培提议创办,1929年更名国立杭州艺术专科学校,抗战期间先后迁至江西、湖南、云南、四川、重庆等地办学。 1938年与北平艺专合并国立艺术专科学校,1946年全校复员回杭,1950年更名中央美术学院华东分院,1956年改建杭州美术学院,1957年校址从外西湖18号迁至南山路;1958年更名浙江美术学院,1988年被授予第一个博士学位,1993年更名为“中国美术学院”。 2017年,学院获评第一届“全国文明校园”。
Zhou Guanyi, Lang Yuchen, Zhou Ke & Liu Wanxin
We are a team of current students from the School of Innovation and Design, China Academy of Art, and we come from the art and technology majors. We are committed to the development of environmental sustainability in China, thinking about how to spread the concept of environmental protection to the people around us, the campus and even the whole world!
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