Green Product Award

Green Products


kraftschluck - The first SMOOTHIE FROM HERE

Our smoothies are the first to be made from purely German organic ingredients. This means short-travelled ingredients, with local recipes, for more variety on the shelf and less CO2 from travelling halfway around the world. But full of flavour thanks to long ripening in the field. Many smoothies are too sweet! Why is that? Because they don't contain any vegetables. That's why our smoothies contain at least 10% vegetables to reduce the fructose. We appeal to health-conscious, sustainable and regionally-orientated target groups who value high-quality convenience products.

kraftschluck UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
SMOOTHIE VON HIER aus 99,99% Deutschen Bio-Zutaten. 100% Bio und weniger Fruchtzucker durch Gemüseanteil. Unsere Früchte legen keine halbe Weltreise zurück, nur um im Smoothie zu landen. Wir wollen beweisen, exotisch & bunt: so schmeckt's HIER. Gemeinsam machen wir die Welt ein Schlückchen besser.
Katharina Schießl
Designerin und Art Director aus München mit langjähriger Markenexpertise und einem Faible für Food Brands und Packaging Design. German Design Award Nominee 2020 (Guzinos Packaging Design)
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