Green Concept Award

Green Concepts


A system for non-violent herd protection

The wolf is back in Central Europe. With Pherofort, we have developed a system that automatically supports farmers and livestock owners in herd management. At the same time, Pherofort collects data on herd behaviour and wolf occurrence and is therefore also of interest to responsible documentation bodies such as the DBBW and for wildlife management in general. As the wolf is rightly a protected species, we rely on a novel, non-violent deterrence measure using pheromones.

Hochschule für Gestaltung Schwäbisch Gmünd
Ulrich Schober, Igor Ladyk, Nyal Hettmer & Jost Wilbers
Ulrich, Igor, Nyal und Jost studieren aktuell an der HfG in Schwäbisch Gmünd. Bei Pherofort handelte es sich ursprünglich um ein Studiengang übergreifendes Semesterprojekt der Studiengänge Produktgestaltung (Ulrich, Igor und Jost), sowie Internet of Things (Nyal).
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