Green Concept Award

Green Concepts

The circle of wood

Durable, versatile, emotional furniture concept

A modular furniture concept, starting with a cot that grows with its owner. Environmentally friendly production, natural, high-quality materials, understated product design and the option of personalisation create a companion that lasts for generations. It gains emotional significance with continued use and is therefore used for longer. The product/components can not only be purchased, but supplementary components can also be exchanged within a community via a platform.

VANDERS studio + manufaktur
VANDERS studio+manufactur focuses on the design of furniture, interior objects, and their prototyping, with its own furniture production. They seamlessly integrate concept development, product design, construction, visualization and production, ensuring a cohesive and high-quality approach to every project, crafted to last for generations.
Andreas Völkl
Gründer und Designer Andreas Völkl erlangte 2015 in Schwäbisch Hall seinen Meistertitel als Schreiner. Anschließend absolvierte er ein Studium im Bereich Industriedesign in Regensburg. Zwischen Anfang 2018 und Ende 2020 pausierte er sein Studium, um bei Lervik Design in Stockholm Praxiserfahrung zu sammeln. 2020 erwarb er letztendlich seinen Bachelor of Industrial Design (B.I.D.). Nach seinem Abschluss gründete er VANDERS. Fotografen: pics@ziereisFOTO
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