Green Concept Award

Conceptos ecológicos

Algae bio-foam

Material de espuma de algas biodegradable para envases

Gracias al método especial de procesamiento de materiales, se ha creado un material de bioespuma que puede utilizarse para un nuevo tipo de productos de envasado biodegradables. Este proyecto sigue una filosofía de cero residuos y pretende arrojar luz sobre un problema cada vez más frecuente de contaminación ambiental. El prototipo de material resultante va más allá de las cuestiones de generación y eliminación de residuos y aborda los problemas antes de que se produzcan, centrándose en el diseño de los materiales.

SEA FOAM is the newly established Lithuanian start-up which uses the special seaweed processing method and creates a bio-foam material that can be used for a new type of home-compostable packaging products Our bio-foam packaging solutions are made only from seaweed & water, so after the product is consumed, the material can simply be home-composted or used as a fertiliser. Even if the packaging would be discarded as waste, due to natural processes and micro-organisms it will again become a part of nature, and will cause no harm to the environment or other forms of life at all
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Austeja Platukyte
Austeja Platukyte is a creative researcher working in between the disciplines of material design and science, technology, and craft. Her creative solutions are systematically linked to the theme of organic matter and a topic of materials transformation into other forms, introducing new social, cultural, economic, and psychological context into her creative process. Austeja explores the fundamental ecological problems, emphasizing subjective emotional involvement, and questioning the values of an anthropocentric society.
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