Green Product Award

Productos ecológicos

Be:Clean Shampoo Bar

Champú natural antibacteriano en barra para perros

Si su mascota es un asiduo de las cacas de zorro, ¡este champú en barra es para usted! Proporciona un pelaje brillante, con un reconfortante aroma a limpio gracias a la mezcla natural de esencia de árbol de té y a los beneficios del extracto de té verde que estimulan el crecimiento. El árbol del té antibacteriano ayuda a mantener el pelaje de su mascota libre de piojos y bacterias, convirtiéndolo en un amigo aún más cariñoso con el que acurrucarse.

Podium Pet Products
Podium Pet Products are dedicated to you and your pet’s lifestyle together, we bring to you trusted, innovative and, wherever possible, natural products. Our team are all pet-parents themselves and are always here to answer any queries you may have. Our principle values are genuine customer care and friction-less delivery. We have an empowered team who share our core values leading to engaged, loyal customers.
Reino Unido
Carina Evans
Our Founder’s family created cures for their stock using nothing but the hedgerows and nature’s harvest. On finding an old recipe book full of trusted farmhouse remedies we re-imagined these cures into the BeLoved range. “We tried, tested and re-imagined these recipes. Each is hand blended with love and suitable for our furry friends." With our wholistic approach to animal health care and using almost entirely natural ingredients, we’ve created a luxurious, affordable, effective range of wellness & lifestyle care & grooming products for pets & their people.”
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