Green Concept Award

Conceptos ecológicos

Beauty Teaory

¡Tan natural que se puede comer!

Beauty Teaory es una startup de belleza que promueve el bienestar interior y exterior a través de los beneficios curativos del té para el cuerpo y la piel, con la promoción de la dedicación a la relajación para uno mismo y un descanso del frenesí. El producto consiste en bolsitas de té que, además de infusionarse en una taza de agua caliente y disfrutarse normalmente, pueden aplicarse en el rostro como tratamiento relajante y aliviador. Los materiales con los que se elabora el producto son crudos, 100% vegetales y compostables. En nuestros productos hay una ausencia total de plástico y nuestros envases son de cartón reciclado.

IED- Istituto Europeo di Design Spa- Società Benefit
IED is a design and fashion university established in 1966 in Milan. Since then it opened schools in various italian cities and in Spain and Brazil as well. Undergraduate courses last three years and they can be followed by postgraduate courses of one year. I attend the third year of the Product Design undergraduate course, where I learn about marketing, sociology, history of contemporary art and design as theoretical subjects and plus many laboratories about different kinds of materials, 3D modelling and rendering softwares, Adobe Cloud softwares and extra projects.
Noor El Hajjeh, Margherita Massari, Guido Baccaglini and Francesco Magenta.
We are Product Design students from IED Milano. Noor: born in 2001, I face projects with an artistic approach. My strength lies in intuition, creative development and communication to the final user. Margherita: born in 2002 and before starting IED I attended an art high school, studying industrial design. My main features in group projects are organization, empathy, synthesis and versatility. Guido and Francesco: both born in 2001, we have a passion for all the technical aspects of projects and usually manage the 3D modelling, rendering and engineering parts.
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