Green Concept Award

Conceptos ecológicos

BioPower Cell

Batería verde que puede reciclarse en abono

BioPower Cells es una batería ecológica, sostenible, recargable e ignífuga que se basa en materiales orgánicos totalmente reciclables disponibles en todo el mundo, no utiliza litio, cobalto ni ningún otro metal de tierras raras y, al final de su vida útil, puede reutilizarse como fertilizante iónico. Esta innovación está llamada a revolucionar la forma de almacenar la electricidad generada. La batería propuesta tendrá una amplia gama de aplicaciones, como en sistemas de almacenamiento de energía renovable, drones, vehículos eléctricos, electrónica portátil y otros. Nuestra tecnología cumple plenamente los requisitos de la economía circular.

Northumbria University
Northumbria University is a research-intensive University that unlocks potential for all, changing lives regionally, nationally and internationally. Named UK University of the Year 2022 by Times Higher Education and Modern University of the Year 2025 by The Times and The Sunday Times, it is based in Newcastle upon Tyne, with an additional campus in London. Originating from Rutherford College (founded in 1880), Northumbria is ranked in the UK’s top 25 for research power and graduate employment. The university works with leading employers like Nike, IBM, and the NHS, and is a top UK institution.
Reino Unido
Aldrei Zyv Bismilla & Dr. Ulugbek Azimov
Aldrei is a mechanical engineering graduate from Northumbria University and participated in projects on energy storage, energy sustainability, and green battery technologies. He has contributed to battery material characterization & system design. He is an expert in 3D design, rapid prototyping, and machining. Dr Azimov is an Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Northumbria University and an inventor of BioPower Cells battery technology. He brings a wealth of international academic and industry experience, with a background spanning various countries and prestigious fellowships.
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