Green Product Award

Productos ecológicos

Daika Wood

Alternativa 100% natural a la madera y los plásticos

Daika ha desarrollado un nuevo material 100% natural. El material se compone de materiales naturales (sin plásticos ni materiales derivados del petróleo) y de varios residuos de madera que actualmente se queman principalmente. Tenemos un POC inicial en los procesos de fabricación industrial existentes. Los productos resultantes conservan las propiedades únicas de la madera, como la calidez, el sentido y la acústica, y pueden procesarse como la madera normal. Los primeros mercados a los que nos dirigimos son los de productos de consumo y envases.

Daika Wood
Daika has developed a new material which is 100% natural and we is located in Israel. The material is composed from natural materials (no plastics or petroleum-based materials) and wood waste particles. We have an initial POC in industrial manufacturing processes. The resulting products retain the unique properties of wood such as warmth, sense and acoustics and can be processed as regular wood. We have targeted consumer products and packaging as the first markets we are starting with.
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Daika Wood
May Meyerson and Guy Gurevich
May and Guy are industrial designers graduates from Bezalel academy of arts and design. As designers in a materials company we aim to find the best way to introduce a new material as Daika wood to the consumer world. Our role as designers is to maintain a coherent aesthetic outcome from all the options available. We believe that Daika can create new opportunities in the design realm and can help us as designers to manufacture in a more wholesome and sustainable way.
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