Green Concept Award

Conceptos ecológicos


Sistema de mobiliario sostenible

Dessa es un sistema de mobiliario que responde al problema del consumo excesivo. Permite dar múltiples usos a los mismos componentes para crear nuevos muebles, gracias a un sistema de fácil montaje y desmontaje, de acuerdo con los principios de la economía circular. Los usuarios donan los componentes viejos a la empresa para que puedan ser utilizados en nuevas colecciones. El usuario puede sustituir y reparar las piezas dañadas y realizar cambios en el aspecto y el tamaño de los muebles. Para las necesidades del proyecto, he creado un material especial que se puede regenerar, reciclar y es biodegradable.

University of the Arts Poznan
UAP is the only art university in Poland that provides education not only in the field of art. Students can also choose engineering and purely theoretical fields of study. The extensive university structure and highly qualified tutors, whose number is proportional to the number of students, allow for the development of excellent student-tutor relations. Each project implemented in art and design studios is an experiment. All tasks are open and performed with the active participation of professors, assistant professors, assistants and technical staff.
Oliwia Ledzińska
I am the winner of the iF Design Talent Award and European Product Design Award competitions and I received the Honorable Mention in the "Best in Design" and "Taiwan International Student Design Competition" and the Golden award of the University of Arts in Poznań. For my activity I received scholarships "41st edition of the Maria Dokowicz Competition for the best UAP diploma project" and "Scholarship of the Polish Minister of Culture and National Heritage for students". My projects have been presented in countries such as Poland, Taiwan, China, Belgium and the Netherlands.
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