Green Concept Award

Conceptos ecológicos


Tela no tejida a partir de residuos de flores

Flaux es un pequeño bolso de mano y un conjunto de monederos hechos con material de desecho de flores. El material contiene pétalos de flores como ingrediente principal y agente colorante. Por lo tanto, no se necesita ningún colorante artificial, ningún ingrediente a base de aceite ni ningún aditivo. El material de las flores es totalmente natural, compostable, reciclable y sin microplásticos.

Irene Purasachit / Aalto University
Irene is a multi-award-winning designer, flower lover, and material enthusiast. Her work revolves around the intersection of design and sustainability, with an emphasis on existing value chains, agricultural and industrial waste streams and by-products, as well as local craftsmanship that might have been disregarded in the industrialised world.
Irene Purasachit
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