Green Concept Award

Conceptos ecológicos

Hushellaste Project

Biomateriales y moda sostenible

Este proyecto se basa en la sostenibilidad y los estilos de vida saludables, investigando biomateriales biodegradables y moda sostenible. Los residuos agrícolas y los desechos naturales son las principales materias primas utilizadas para sustituir a los productos de cuero y plástico, más contaminantes. Los principales materiales utilizados en este proyecto son: hojas de maíz, estigmas de maíz, cáscaras de huevo y polvo de carbón vegetal. Se utilizó microscopía y software de biología para explorar las posibilidades estructurales y abstraer estructuras 3D con biomateriales utilizando CNC e impresión 3D en resina. Finalmente se combinaron con el cuerpo humano y se atribuyeron a la prenda.

Royal College of Art
The Royal College of Art (RCA) is a public research university in London, United Kingdom.It is the only entirely postgraduate art and design university in the United Kingdom. It offers postgraduate degrees in art and design to students from over 60 countries. In 2023, the RCA was placed first in the art and design subject area in the QS World University Rankings published by Quacquarelli Symonds for the ninth year in a row, with an overall score of 99.4/100.
Reino Unido
Yuhan Bai
Yuhan Bai is dedicated to the research of biodegradable material, future materials, womenswear design, and biological material derivative design. Her works are based on sustainable development and focused on lifestyle and use agricultural and kitchen waste as major raw materials for creation. Her design concepts have always been centered on the topic of sustainable development and commensalism combined with spiritual perception, thinking about the material and non-material.
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