Green Product Award

Productos ecológicos

HyphaLite™ TC

Material 100% biobasado y sin plástico para la moda

HyphaLite™ TC es una innovación en materiales de moda de base biológica que pretende sustituir a los sintéticos de base petroquímica y aliviar la contaminación global por plástico. Compuesto por materiales regenerativos como hongos, polímeros naturales y refuerzos no tejidos, es 100% biobasado, libre de plástico y biodegradable. Se adhiere al sistema de fabricación LITE, marca registrada de ISA, que minimiza la huella de carbono, el agua y el consumo de productos químicos durante la producción. Al cumplir con los KPIs de la industria de la moda, es uno de los materiales de base biológica más desarrollados del mercado que es totalmente escalable en la producción.

ISA TanTec
ISA is a global leader in the manufacturing of Next-Gen materials, specializing in producing eco-friendly leathers and sustainable new materials for footwear, handbag, apparel, and accessories. We are represented by our trademarked LITE (Low Impact to the Environment) manufacturing concept in all facilities. The LITE concept defines and guarantees a high standard of environmental sustainability in the manufacturing process. We currently have 4 ultra-modern sustainable manufacturing facilities in the USA, Vietnam, and China.
Sitio web
ISA TanTec
ISA TanTec
ISA is a global leader in the manufacturing of Next-Gen materials, specializing in producing eco-friendly leathers and sustainable new materials for footwear, handbag, apparel and accessories. It is represented by its trademarked LITE (Low Impact to the Environment) manufacturing concept in all facilities that defines and guarantees a high standard of environmental sustainability in the manufacturing process. Currently, it has 4 ultra-modern sustainable manufacturing facilities located in the USA, Vietnam, and China.
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