Green Product Award

Productos ecológicos

Jack & Jenny

El sistema de almacenamiento modular

Modulares y versátiles, Jack y Jenny abren un nuevo mundo de posibilidades de almacenamiento, desde ropa de cama hasta juguetes y accesorios para reciclar. Jack incorpora una innovadora mezcla de polímeros de corcho y fécula de patata, desarrollada en colaboración con Amorim Cork Composites, que ofrece una alternativa ecológica al plástico convencional. Jenny, fabricada con madera maciza de haya suiza procedente de bosques controlados y con certificación Swiss Label, proporciona un soporte resistente. Juntos, combinan un diseño elegante con la sostenibilidad, garantizando una huella medioambiental mínima y una fabricación de precisión.

Puzz'le Design Studio
Objects are a means of expression too. We believe that the freedom to use them as you please is key to making them your own. The only limit? Your imagination. Each object adapts, changes, transforms and fits into your lifestyle. Everything is thought out in a flexible way, with “modular” being the key word. Discovering new arrangements and unusual uses is, for us, the reward for a job well done. We learn from each encounter, from each exchange and we believe that design is in fact the marriage of sharing, listening and respecting each person’s originality.
Julien Garnier
Growing up in Geneva with a passion for art, I studied design at ECAL after exploring artistic disciplines in preparatory school. I worked as an independent designer, taught design, and collaborated with a design collective. I took part in European exhibitions and worked on projects like creating waste sorting systems for the Summit Foundation. This experience led to Jack & Jenny, which received positive feedback at major design fairs. In 2020, I founded my own company and started the development and production of Jack & Jenny, focusing on ecological concerns. It launched in early 2024.
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