Green Product Award

Productos ecológicos

Redefining cotton

Avance rápido del algodón tejido a mano 1000 años

En nuestra empresa, nos especializamos en revivir tejidos antiguos combinándolos de forma innovadora para crear nuevos productos con características y beneficios mejorados. Trabajamos con hilanderas y tejedoras manuales del norte de la India, famosas por su experiencia en la creación de tejidos de alta calidad a partir de algodón recuperado. Nuestro compromiso con la sostenibilidad y la producción ética se extiende más allá de nuestras prácticas de abastecimiento, ya que hemos invertido en nuestro propio taller en Noida, India, con el único propósito de apoyar y elevar a los trabajadores que dan vida a nuestros productos.

C and S Design Management Import LTD
At Cora + Spink, we’re committed to creating products that are not only durable and long-lasting, but also ethically made. In a world that often values fast and cheap over quality and longevity, we’ve made it our mission to do things differently. We’ve dedicated ourselves to designing and crafting products that are built to last and can be passed down through generations. But it’s not just about the products we create – it’s also about the people we work with. We believe in supporting every worker, supplier, and customer who touches a C+S product. That means ensuring fair wages, safe working.
Reino Unido
Tim Johnson
Tim Johnson is the founder of Cora + Spink, a sustainable and ethical bag company. His vision is to create high-quality bags that are both functional and stylish, while also being sustainable and ethically produced. Cora + Spink's bags are made from materials such as waxed canvas, reclaimed cotton, and vegetable-tanned leather. Tim is a leader in sustainable fashion, working on initiatives to reduce waste in the industry. His passion and commitment drive the company forward.
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