Green Product Award

Productos ecológicos


Montaje circular
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Con SEMBLA®, presentamos el primer sistema de mampostería maciza diseñado para la circularidad y la reutilización. SEMBLA® se distingue por su fácil (re)montaje sin mortero ni cola y su uso de hormigón geopolímero sin cemento, lo que reduce las emisiones de CO2 hasta en un 70%. La ingeniería de bloques huecos y la micromodularidad del sistema ofrecen flexibilidad de diseño y ventajas ecológicas y económicas. Guiados por el principio "de la cuna a la cuna", consideramos los edificios dentro de su ciclo de vida completo.

Polycare is a European leader in the use of cement-free concretes in the building industry. Since 2010 Polycare is developing circular and regenerative building solutions for various markets across the globe. With SEMBLA®, the first geopolymer concrete-based, circular masonry system for high-rise construction is introduced on the German market. The business model of Polycare involves licensing the technology portfolio.
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Polycare Team
CEO Andreas Kunsmann leads an international and interdisciplinary team of 20 employees, combining expertise in the fields of science, technology, engineering and business. He focusses on strategy and business development. R&D is deeply rooted in our company's DNA, which is why we have built a strong team in the areas of materials science and product and process development. Our Technical Director, Robert Rösler, has been with Polycare for 12 years. He has extensive experience with the iterations of our products and incorporates all the knowledge he gains into our latest innovations: SEMBLA.
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