Green Concept Award

Conceptos ecológicos

Thermostatic Communities

Sistema de fontanería comunitario

Las Comunidades Termoestáticas son un sistema de fontanería basado en un concepto sostenible que utiliza las propiedades termostáticas del agua subterránea y la tecnología de generación de biogás para conseguir una temperatura interior constante.

Shanghai University of Engineering Science
Shanghai University of Engineering Science (SUES) is founded in 1978. The university originally is the merger of Shanghai Jiao Tong University Electrical & Mechanical Branch and Branch College of East-China Textile Institute of Science and Technology. Today SUES is highly recognized as a university specializing in applied technologies and engineering sciences, known for the interdisciplinary educational programs across the well-coordinated development of undergraduate, postgraduate, and advanced vocational education.
Wang Wenbin
Shanghai University of Engineering Science is a postgraduate student and has won more than 40 design awards
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