Green Product Award

Productos ecológicos

Ventile® Shell+

La chaqueta exterior 100% sin plástico

En un mundo dominado por los plásticos y la contaminación química, Mover desafía la norma sintética y se declara 100% libre de plásticos. La Shell+ es una chaqueta totalmente natural y resistente a la intemperie, fabricada con algodón Ventile® de alta densidad y reforzada con un forro ultrafino de lana merina para mayor comodidad y calidez. Es completamente biodegradable, sin pegamentos ni toxinas, y está diseñada para aventureros activos. Mover ofrece una alternativa más saludable y libre de plásticos al equipamiento tradicional para actividades al aire libre, estableciendo un nuevo estándar de rendimiento, sostenibilidad e innovación no tóxica.

Mover Sportswear SA
Mover Plastic-Free Sportswear is a Swiss brand committed to making 100% plastic-free sportswear. The brand is redesigning performance sportswear by rejecting plastic entirely — something never done before in the industry. With an unwavering commitment to quality, every detail is carefully crafted for superior comfort, breathability, and performance. Their garments are made exclusively from natural fibers, are lightweight, thermoregulating, and built to last. In a quest for better performance in a world submerged by a tide of plastic and PFAS, Mover questioned the need for synthetic fibers.
Nicolas Rochat, Franziska Rieder & Kerstin Karlinger
Nicolas Rochat founded Mover Plastic-Free Sportswear as a quest for better performance in a world submerged by a tide of plastic, questioning the need for synthetic fibers. Kerstin Karlinger is a pattern developer specialising in outdoor and sports clothing. Franzika Rieder is a design and development lead focusing on designing technical garments/innovations in the sportswear sector.
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