Green Product Award

Productos ecológicos

VirtuPVT + VirtuHOT

Descarbonizar el calor en el entorno construido

Naked Energy ha desarrollado los colectores solares VirtuHOT y VirtuPVT, destinados a la producción de calor (agua caliente sanitaria y calefacción) en el entorno construido, así como a la gama inferior de calor de proceso industrial. La gama de productos Virtu ha sido diseñada para consumidores finales con una demanda de calor constante, como: hospitales, nuevas promociones residenciales, viviendas múltiples, fabricantes de alimentos y bebidas, fabricantes de pasta y papel, hoteles y centros de ocio. VirtuHOT suministra calor hasta 120C, mientras que VirtuPVT suministra calor hasta 80C, además de electricidad.

Naked Energy Ltd
Naked Energy is a British design and engineering business, leading the global innovation in solar thermal and solar PVT with a mission to change energy for good. The unique design of Naked Energy’s solar collectors allow businesses to maximise the potential of their roof space by generating more energy per m2 than any other solar technology. Naked Energy's high energy density solutions are capable of decarbonising heat affordably given its distributed nature, and its solar PVT technology delivers up to three to four times the carbon savings per m2 compared to conventional solar electricity/PV
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Naked Energy Ltd
Christophe Williams
Prior to founding Naked Energy, Christophe has been connected to the renewable energy industry for generations. His first inspiration was his grandfather Peter Williams who worked with renowned engineer Stephen Salter in the 1970s to develop 'the oscillating duck', a form of oscillating wave technology generating clean electricity. Christophe previously worked as a senior creative executive in the advertising industry for over fifteen years, gaining many awards from prestigious organisations such as ‘Creative Circle’ and ‘Clio’.
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