Green Concept Award

Conceptos ecológicos


Revestimiento termosellable a base de madera que reduce los plásticos

WOODMER® Seal es un revolucionario revestimiento termosellable a base de fibra para envases. Nacido a partir de biomasa de madera renovable, ofrece una alternativa más ecológica a los revestimientos plásticos tradicionales con una reducción de emisiones de hasta el 90%. No sólo es respetuoso con el medio ambiente, sino que también se basa en el rendimiento, garantizando revestimientos termosellables resistentes y fiables para envases de comercio electrónico, industriales y agrícolas. WOODMER® Seal permite estructuras monomateriales, mejorando la circularidad y reduciendo los residuos. Revestimiento termosellable sostenible y de alto rendimiento que le permite cumplir los requisitos normativos y del mercado para obtener envases más respetuosos con el medio ambiente.

Ecohelix is a Swedish greentech company leading the way in sustainable wood-based biopolymer technology. Our novel and patented technology utilizes lignocellulosic side streams of pulp industry process, harnessing those currently underutilized raw materials into valuable and sustainable products. The end result is sustainable and high performing polymer called WOODMER®. We help to drive the transition towards a more sustainable future and making a positive impact on the environment by providing an alternative to plastics and fossil based materials in packaging, adhesives and paper chemicals.
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Petri Oinonen
Dr. Petri Oinonen holds a PhD in Fibre and Polymer Technology with a background in environmental biotechnology. His background expertise ranges from wood chemistry and biorefineries to microbiology, biotechnology, chemistry and business. In his research work, Petri has been studying the lignin-carbohydrate networks and the influence of their structure in biomass processing. This work enabled him to discover the Ecohelix technology and start developing understanding on its mechanisms and its industrial applicability.
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