Green Product Award

Grüne Produkte

Foosh Circular Beauty

Biologisch abbaubare und wiederverwertete Kosmetika aus Weintrauben

Bei der Weinherstellung fällt der Trester an, ein Nebenprodukt, das aus den Schalen und Kernen der gepressten Trauben besteht. Normalerweise wird dieses Material nicht verwertet. In diesem festen Material sammelt sich jedoch ein großer Teil der Polyphenol-Antioxidantien, die der Traube ihre heilenden und regenerierenden Eigenschaften verleihen. Aus diesem Traubentrester extrahieren wir die aktiven Bestandteile, um ihre Eigenschaften in unserer hochwertigen Kosmetik aufzuwerten. Um den Kreislauf unseres Produkts zu schließen, haben wir außerdem eine vollständig biologisch abbaubare Verpackung entwickelt, die aus Abfällen der Holzindustrie hergestellt wird.

Foosh Beauty
Foosh Beauty is a start-up project that has born directly from the idea of creating revalorised cosmetics from upcycled grapes. We are four young friends that were aware of the amount of wasted grapes in the wine industry and come together to reimagine possible solutions through science and entrepreneurship. Our experience in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical sectors made us realize the need to rethink a cosmetic industry dominated by marketing and green-washing campaigns. We want to bring innovation, transparency, sustainability, and circularity to the world of cosmetics.
Foosh Beauty
Ignasi Arqués, Artur Arqués, Albert Trapé, Raimón Sadurní
Foosh Beauty is a start-up project that has born directly from the idea of creating revalorised cosmetics from upcycled grapes. We are four young friends that were aware of the amount of wasted grapes in the wine industry and come together to reimagine possible solutions through science and entrepreneurship. Our experience in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical sectors made us realize the need to rethink a cosmetic industry dominated by marketing and green-washing campaigns. We want to bring innovation, transparency, sustainability, and circularity to the world of cosmetics.
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