Green Product Award

Grüne Produkte

Smartphonehüllen aus Holz

Smartphone-Taschen aus 100% recyceltem Holz

Das sind die Smartphone-Hüllen von Bark Sweden, die zu 100 % aus schwedischem Altholz bestehen. Wir haben eine ganz neue Methode entwickelt, um Abfallholz in schützende, nachhaltige und schöne Smartphone-Hüllen zu verwandeln. Jedes Jahr werden in städtischen Gebieten tonnenweise Laubholz aus natürlichen Gründen abgeholzt und oft verbrannt oder geschreddert. Viele dieser Bäume sind alt und haben erstaunliche Muster. Unsere Produktion findet in einer familiengeführten Fabrik außerhalb von Stockholm in Schweden statt. Unsere Smartphone-Hüllen verfügen über einzigartige Designmerkmale und Funktionen bei einem dünnen Profil von nur 2,5 mm. Wir bieten eine schöne, langlebige und nachhaltige Smartphonehülle.

Bark Sweden
Bark Sweden manufactures precision products from wood and combines engineering with carpentry. Our goal is to replace plastic products by instead creating them in 100% wood - from waste wood from Swedish green areas. First to market are ours innovative screen covers that are highly appreciated and have been sold to over a thousand customers. We have developed a completely new method to recycle wood into impact-resistant, durable and beautiful mobile phone cases. Because we manufacture in our own premises without any subcontractors the margins are good and we can compete with imported plastic.
Bark Sweden
Frida Lilliestråle & Richard Lilliestråle
We who stand behind and have founded Bark Sweden are Frida and Richard Lilliestråle. Frida is a graphic designer with a passion for environmental aspects. Frida has worked at several companies with marketing and experienced a constant frustration with the wear and tear culture. She has a dream of working on something that makes the world a better place. Richard is a civil engineer and has a lot of experience in developing products for others. Now he finally has developed something for himself. Frida and Richad are complementing each other and have created something they are really proud of.
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