Green Product Award

Green Products


Digitization of a consulting process

Our task is to find and realise sustainable building solutions by using alternative materials and environmentally friendly technologies. There is already a wide range of options. However, these are not yet anchored in the general consciousness. As a first step, it is therefore necessary to take measures to make builders, investors and architects aware of these innovation opportunities. We would like to tackle this with the services we have developed.

Kouto Alternative Building
My training in the construction industry as a bricklayer, structural engineer and building biologist has allowed me to learn the theory of conventional construction. My experience as a foreman, site manager, building physicist and building pollutant diagnostician has taught me the processes, first in execution and then in planning. My training as a building biologist has opened my eyes and shown me the many alternatives to conventional construction.
Jordan Kouto
Seit meiner Kindheit ist Bauen meine Leidenschaft. Sie ermöglichte mir später, die ersten Schritte in die Berufswelt zu tun. Meine Ausbildungen als Maurerlehrling und Hochbau-Techniker, kombiniert mit meinen Erfahrungen als Bauführer, Bauleiter, Bauschadstoff-Diagnostiker und Bauphysiker, ermöglichten es mir immer wieder, das konventionelle Bauen in Frage zu stellen. Die Weiterbildung als Baubiologe hat mir die Augen geöffnet und gezeigt, welche vielfältigen Alternativen es zu den konventionellen Bauten gibt.
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