Green Product Award

Green Products

Sustainable Biocapsules

Transforming waste into trees

Leftovers from the production process of collagen capsules from the pharmaceutical industry and waste from the cellulose industry (sludge and husks) have been transformed into a new seed "packaging" material that brings various benefits ranging from protecting the seed from the sun and insects, or even nutrition through the natural composition of the capsules for germination and applied to reforestation using an automatic dispersal device (drone). The technology contributes to "ESG", promoting the circular economy and its applicability in reforesting degraded areas in the Amazon - Brazil.

Ambipar Environment
Ambipar - Brazilian multinational leader in environmental management with a focus on waste management and recovery, circular economy, decarbonization and environmental emergencies. The company is present in 40 countries with around 20,000 employees spread across more than 300 bases. Among its units is a Research, Development and Innovation Center located in the complex in Nova Odessa/SP. An infrastructure made up of laboratories, equipment, multidisciplinary researchers and pilot plants dedicated to meeting market demands for the development of impactful environmental technologies.
Gabriel Estevam Domingos
Gabriel Estevam Domingos is Director of Research, Development and Innovation at the Ambipar Group. He holds more than 25 patents for inventions in environmental impact technologies. You can find more information on his blog:
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