Green Product Award

Productos ecológicos


Amortiguador acústico totalmente circular

ARCHISONIC® Cotton es una solución sostenible completamente nueva fabricada en Italia a partir de materiales reciclados. El absorbente acústico de alto rendimiento puede devolverse al proceso de producción, haciendo que el material sea completamente circular. Disponible en una gama de 24 colores, no sólo absorbe el sonido, sino que también añade una estética natural a cualquier habitación.

Impact Acoustic
IMPACT ACOUSTIC, is a Swiss company specializing in providing high-performance, recyclable, and circular acoustic solutions made from upcycled materials. Our product lines ARCHISONIC® Felt, ARCHISONIC® Cotton and ARCHISONIC® Textile, embody an innovative, sustainable, and high-quality approach to interior design and acoustics.
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Impact Acoustic
Impact Acoustic
We believe that we can only be successful if we take care of the environment. Every day, our 90 employees at two locations transform thousands of PET bottles into sophisticated and aesthetically pleasing acoustic products: from simple partitions to complex ceiling structures. All products are based on our ARCHISONIC® material line and are available in carefully selected colours. Specializing in custom solutions, we produce all of our products just-in-time and to customer specifications. Impact Acoustic stands for digital manufacturing, Swiss quality and sustainability.
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