Green Concept Award

Conceptos ecológicos

Zapatillas Bio

Cultiva tu propio calzado modualr de puesta a tierra

El objetivo del kit es ayudar a la gente a fabricar zapatillas ecológicas. Estas zapatillas devuelven los pies a la naturaleza al tiempo que la protegen. Esta iniciativa reduce los residuos mediante el compostaje de zapatillas viejas y facilita la recreación de componentes, minimizando el impacto ambiental y reduciendo la necesidad de nuevas compras. El proyecto imagina un mundo en el que las personas participen activamente en el diseño y el cultivo de sus zapatillas, promoviendo un estilo de vida sostenible y respetuoso con el medio ambiente. Fomentar la sostenibilidad a través del bricolaje.

manchester metropolion university
I am a first-class honors graduate in product design engineering from Manchester Metropolitan University, driven by a passion for sustainable design and individual empowerment. My university dissertation was a pioneering project that aimed to democratize the creation of eco-friendly sneakers. This project involved developing a kit for crafting biodegradable sneakers, with mushroom-based soles and copper elements for grounding benefits. Not only does this design offer a sustainable alternative to conventional footwear, but it also challenges fast-fashion norms by encouraging users to value and
Reino Unido
katie lavin
I am a passionate and highly motivated product designer, committed to creating innovative and user-centered designs. My goal is to combine creativity, functionality, and sustainability to solve complex problems and enhance the user experience. My ethos as a designer is to empower the individual and reduce reliance on corporations as well as promoting a more sustainable and mindful approach to consumption. It's all about placing production power in the hands of the people whilst designing with nature in mind.
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