Green Product Award

Productos ecológicos

Erverte París

Bienvenidos a la era verde

Nos especializamos en moda prêt-à-porter, incluidas camisetas y jerséis, con planes de ampliar nuestra gama para incluir una selección más amplia de prendas de vestir en un futuro próximo. En Erverte Paris, creemos en una industria de la moda más sostenible que valore la calidad por encima de la cantidad. Por eso obtenemos cuidadosamente nuestros materiales de fuentes naturales y renovables, y damos prioridad a los procesos de producción respetuosos con el medio ambiente.

Erverte Paris
Erverte Paris IS a sustainable brand dedicated to creating high-end men's clothing made exclusively from natural fibers and manufactured in France. Our brand name "Erverte" is a play on the French words "vert," meaning "green," and "ère," meaning "era," which signifies our commitment to sustainability and creating a better, more eco-friendly future. We specialize in ready-to-wear fashion, including t-shirts and sweaters, with plans to expand our range to include a broader selection of clothing items in the near future. we believe in a more sustainable fashion that values quality over quantity.
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