Green Concept Award

Conceptos ecológicos


Soluciones para el teñido en la industria de la moda

GROWN BLUR es una colección de tejidos Ikat de algas que se inspira en el proceso de tejido Ikat e intenta aportar una solución a la contaminación de los tintes de moda. El ikat es conocido por su forma única de teñir artesanalmente antes de tejer, su visión borrosa y su altísimo nivel artístico, y es un valioso patrimonio cultural. El proyecto pretende crear una colección de tejidos combinando el teñido de microalgas cultivándolas directamente sobre las fibras con la técnica tradicional de tejido. El proceso de diseño de los motivos se basa en el principio de la fotosíntesis, que permite a las algas generar motivos sobre los hilos.

central saint martins
Biodesign is an emerging discipline. Despite a growing number of publications and exhibitions, there is no universal definition of biodesign as such. Other terminologies exist, such as biophilic design, bio-integrated design, biomimetic design and bio-informed design. While they vary in definition, they all relate to a similar principle: that we can learn from nature to create more sustainable ways of living. The MA Biodesign at Central Saint Martins specifically understands biodesign as a means to incorporate the inherent life-conducive principles of biological living systems
Reino Unido
boqun huang
Boqun Huang is a multidisciplinary designer who focuses on sustainable fashion,textile and biomaterials research. Driven by her interest in microbial applications, Boqun's work has focused on microalgae and traditional crafts for the past few years. she explores the potential of microalgae and craft heritage as an innovative approach to wearable fashion.
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