Green Concept Award

Conceptos ecológicos


Estabilización del regolito en Marte mediante micelios

El proyecto Mycolith consiste en desarrollar la estrategia de biofabricación para estabilizar el regolito utilizando micelio, con el fin de construir estructuras de hábitat, en entornos espaciales con recursos limitados. El proyecto se centra en abordar distintos retos medioambientales, como las temperaturas extremas y la radiación, al tiempo que prioriza la utilización eficiente de los recursos. Su objetivo es disminuir la dependencia de recursos externos, reducir el consumo de energía y reducir la producción de residuos, todo ello para mitigar su influencia en los entornos lunar y marciano, mejorando al mismo tiempo la sostenibilidad a largo plazo.

Hub for Biotechnology in the Built Environment
Our vision is to make built environments which are life-sustaining and sustained by life. Our mission is to develop biotechnologies to create a new generation of ‘Living Buildings’ which are responsive to their natural environment; grown using living engineered materials to reduce inefficient industrial construction processes; metabolise their own waste, reduce pollution, generate energy and high-value products and modulate their microbiome to benefit human health and wellbeing.
Reino Unido
Monika Brandić Lipińska
Monika Brandić Lipińska is a PhD researcher at the Hub for Biotechnology in the Built Environment, with a background in architecture and space studies. She sees tremendous potential in biological solutions for developing our future on Earth and in space. Through the integration of low-technology readiness level construction systems and in-situ resource utilization, tightly intertwined with biological processes, her work focuses on developing human-oriented and livable habitats in space and extreme environments. Monika is a co-founder of Bio-Futures for Transplanetary Habitats.
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