Green Product Award

Productos ecológicos

Purified Waste

Ropa de fibras recicladas

Producimos prendas con una huella ecológica mínima, elaboradas exclusivamente a partir de fibras 100% recicladas. Nuestro compromiso con la sostenibilidad se refleja en nuestro énfasis en el diseño clásico y la calidad sin concesiones. Estas prendas atemporales reducen el impacto ambiental, conservando el 99% del agua y emitiendo un 50% menos de emisiones de CO2 en comparación con prendas similares fabricadas con materiales vírgenes. Nuestro enfoque innovador consiste en reciclar mecánicamente los residuos textiles, reduciendo el impacto ambiental y estableciendo nuevos estándares para la moda sostenible.

Pure Waste Textiles oy
Pure Waste is an apparel company dedicated to sustainability. We craft premium clothing exclusively from materials made of 100% recycled fibers. By upcycling textile waste, we reduce environmental impacts, champion the circular economy, and promote ethical practices. With transparency and innovation, we're reshaping the fashion landscape, creating high-quality, eco-conscious products with a minimal ecological footprint, and advocating for a greener, more responsible future in the industry.
Pure Waste
Pure Waste embodies a collective commitment to sustainable design. Every member of our team in Helsinki, from creative minds to innovators, plays a vital role in bringing our environmentally responsible textiles and products to life. Our brand thrives on the synergy of our collective efforts and shared values, making each product a result of our team's dedication.
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