Green Product Award

Productos ecológicos

Reborn Composite Foam Mattress

Hacer, romper y rehacer frente a hacer, romper y tirar

Reborn Products, el innovador fabricante sostenible, ofrece una amplia gama de productos, todos ellos fabricados a partir de materiales recuperados/reciclados considerados residuos. Desde una gama de colchones de contrato y domésticos, de muelles ensacados, de muelles abiertos o de espuma, almohadas, cubrecolchones, bases de diván, cabeceros, maceteros de madera, asientos de exterior, colchones y asientos para caravanas/autocaravanas, camas para mascotas, incluso un compost sin turba y mucho más.

Matt-less Ltd
When someone mentions mattress disposal, what name springs to mind..........nothing, right? Matt-Less Ltd are changing this, becoming the number one mattress recycler, with the potential to halve the UK's end-of-life mattress glut, making a huge POSITIVE impact on both carbon emissions and landfill space demands.
Reino Unido
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Matt-less Ltd
Paul Beckett
The Disruptor of Mattress Recycling: Paul Beckett Pioneering Ethical Design, Circular Economy, and Environmental Responsibility In a realm where traditional mattress recycling models falter, one visionary has emerged as a true disruptor. Meet Paul Beckett, the mastermind behind Bye Bye Bed Limited/, an embodiment of ethical design, circular economy, and environmental responsibility, utilising his manufacturing/fillings knowledge of some 30+ years.. Where the traditional route, often ending in landfills, has proven to be nothing short of unsustainable, Paul's approach is a breath of fresh air.
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