Green Concept Award

Conceptos ecológicos


Biopolímero a base de algas compostables en casa para 2 semanas

SeaCo es un biomaterial sustitutivo de los productos de plástico de un solo uso fabricado a partir de polisacáridos de algas marinas (agarófitas), el material es compostable en 2 semanas en el cubo de compostaje medio. El material puede utilizarse en lugar de la mayoría de los productos de plástico de un solo uso, por ejemplo, EPI, pruebas y aparatos biomédicos, cubiertos desechables y contenedores. El material utiliza uno de los recursos naturales más abundantes del planeta, las algas marinas, y todo el proceso, desde la recolección de las algas y la extracción de los azúcares hasta la fundición del producto final, se realiza de la forma más sostenible posible.

Falmouth University (graduated) UCL (current student, masters)
Seaco designs is a sustainable design company and material design and manufacturer committed to bringing sustainability to every day designs and lives. Taking everyday single use plastic items and replacing their materials with our SeaCo material. SeaCo is a sustainable seaweed based 2 week home compostable biopolymer, used to produce single-use plastic throw-away products, such as monoclonal antibody tests, PPE, and disposable cutlery.
Libby Challoner
I graduated with a 2:1 in Sustainable product design Ba(Hons) from Falmouth university in 2022 and have since started my MSc in advanced material science masters at UCL. I have a keen interest in the sustainability of design and innovation, working to bring design and science together improving the inclusivity of design education alongside other STEM subjects in schools and colleges, I have been supported by the cornish LEA, royal society of chemists, next steps southwest and the G7 project to ensure that the design and sustainability aspect of education is taught with respect and importance.
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