Green Concept Award

Conceptos ecológicos


tumbona efímera junto al mar

Las conchas de mejillones y ostras, residuos de restaurantes de pescado, se transforman en una tumbona de playa según principios circulares. Este asiento pretende hacer reflexionar a los usuarios sobre el problema de los residuos y nuestra sociedad de consumo. El SEAt SHELL es un diseño efímero, ya que el banco está hecho para una temporada de verano. El aire salino, el viento y la lluvia actúan sobre el mueble. La erosión hace que el banco se descomponga en arena. Con el tiempo, el banco no deja rastro. Las formas ondulantes del banco se funden completamente con el entorno de playa y dunas. El material viene del mar y vuelve al mar al final.

Thomas More University
For over 20 years, the Furniture Design programme has been the only one in Belgium specifically dedicated to the furniture sector. Its ambition is to build on the Mechelen furniture tradition in a contemporary and inquisitive way. The combination of product-oriented development (product design) and spatial thinking (architecture) forms the basis of this furniture design programme. The programme encourages cooperation between designers, craft, industry and technology. It combines a strong regional anchoring (contact with companies and organisations) with an international focus
Marieke De Backer
Marieke De Backer is a 23-year-old interior architect, graduated from Sint-Lucas in Ghent, Belgium, who decided to continue her studies into the world of furniture design (VOMO) at the Thomas More Hogeschool in Mechelen. A common aspect of the designer’s work is always a careful look at sustainability.
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