

Gardyn Home Kit 3.0


Gardyn Home Kit 3.0 是一款利用人工智能和 Hybriponic™ 技术的室内垂直花园。它能在 2 平方英尺的空间内种植出养家糊口所需的所有农产品。Gardyn 的农产品不含农药,用水量减少 95%,营养成分比杂货店的高出 50%。 作为室内水培市场的先驱,Gardyn 提供了一种无需土壤即可种植农产品的可持续解决方案。随着世界人口的增长,人们对可在家中全年种植的新鲜农产品的需求越来越大,这种农产品营养更丰富,对环境的影响更小。

Gardyn, Inc
Gardyn is a ground-breaking, award-winning, vertical gardening system for growing herbs, fruits, and vegetables indoors. The system uses a combination of hydroponic technology and LED lighting to create an optimal growing environment for plants. It is designed to be easy to use and maintain, even for people with no gardening experience. Users can monitor and control their Gardyn from a mobile app, which provides real-time updates on plant growth and health. At Gardyn, we believe it is urgent to rediscover what food should be about: Fresh, Tasty, Nutritious, easily Accessible, and grown in
Gardyn, Inc
FX Rouxel
Rouxel completed his higher education in France, earning a Bachelor of Science degree from École Polytechnique in computer science & then completing an MBA at the prestigious Ecole des Mines de Paris as an Ingénieur du Corps des Mines. From there, he worked for the French Environment Protection Agency and in the energy industry, where he focused on developing technologies to provide more sustainable, carbon-free sources of energy. More recently in the U.S., FX served as the CEO of Infrastructure Services at Capgemini, a global leader in consulting, technology services & digital transformation.
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