2018年,我们开发了无足迹房屋(NFH),作为可持续建筑的模块化组件系统。第一个住宅原型在哥斯达黎加建成,它在全世界发表,并获得了23个建筑、施工、创新和可持续发展的国际奖项。其中包括2020年绿色产品奖。自原型制作以来,我们一直致力于建造原始方案的迭代,在其模块化组件系统的基础上定制新的住宅,以及开发新的材料和建筑组件,如NFH in Wood(NFHW)。
A-01 (A Company / A Foundation)
A-01 is an interdisciplinary network organization. Our participatory design methodologies are developed to break the boundaries of a single professional or cultural perspective. This allows for a holistic approach that shapes our products in urban and rural development. We work on a broad variety of topics and scales in order to co-create integrally sustainable solutions worldwide. The latest version of the No Footprint House (NFH) in Costa Rica was developed in collaboration with José Pablo Gonzalez, Hernán Mora, Pablo Mora, Rafael Cañas, José Maria Torra and Francisco Rodriguez Bejarano.
A-01 is an interdisciplinary network organization. We create integrally sustainable solutions for urban and rural development. Each assignment is carried out with a custom fit team of experts by our consulting firm A Company or its non-profit counterpart A Foundation. Our work methodology is designed to break the boundaries of a single professional perspective in order to allow for a holistic approach that shapes our products. We envision a long-term impact that involves economic growth, a high-quality spatial surrounding, a responsible use of natural resources and an equal social development.