

Patella Crescenda


Patella Crescenda是一种天然发芽装置,可全年在家中轻松种植新鲜的有机微菜。它采用低技术含量的设计和古老的水位控制技术,无需电力或复杂的设置即可轻松种植。所有部件均由原装材料制成,经久耐用,并可在需要时轻松清洗和更换。Patella Crescenda减少了食物浪费、塑料包装和对外部资源的依赖,促进了自给自足,并为有意识的健康生活方式做出了贡献。

House of Thol
House of Thol is a purpose-driven and future-proof design brand based in the Netherlands. Founded by designers Thomas Linssen and Jana Flohr, House of Thol researches a sustainable tomorrow and creates functional products that make green living easier. The collection includes Waterworks, Flower Constellations, the Poma/Olera series, and microgreen sprouting kit Patella Crescenda as well as circular furniture like ReCovered/ReCabinet. House of Thol is committed to creating sustainable products that solve everyday challenges and help minimize our impact on the environment.
House of Thol
House of Thol // Thomas Linssen & Jana Flohr
House of Thol is a research-based Dutch design brand by Thomas Linssen & Jana Flohr. From their rural headquarters near Nijmegen, the designers research a sustainable tomorrow and create aesthetic functional products that make green living easier. A compact multi-cultural team with compatible strengths, House of Thol covers the complete design process from research and concept to design and product development all the way to packaging, graphic design and an independent product launch. House of Thol aims to make a difference with affordable, problem solving products everyone can use.
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