

RAW Materials


RAW Materials 公司的目标是通过对稻茬废料的利用,创造出一系列循环材料。每年 10 月,印度农民都要焚烧 7500 多万吨稻草,试图为下一个作物播种季节清理和准备田地,通常是在两周之后。这种做法严重损害了印度的空气质量、健康和农业产量,经济损失超过 300 亿美元。从酒店业一次性鞋类的可生物降解替代品开始,我们立志让全球时尚产业循环起来。我们在模制汽车零件、隔热材料和硬板材料方面的研发工作也曾获奖。

Royal College of Art & Imperial College London
RAW (Renewable Agricultural Waste) Materials by Ankita Khanna & yohaan Kukreja is a thesis project turned early venture that is advancing technologies to valorize rice paddy straw in India. Beginning with disposable footwear in hospitality, they plan on expanding into the automotive and construction sectors too. By turning agricultural waste into valuable resources, the company provides both environmental and economic benefits in an attempt to arrest crop burning in nothern India while stimulating a global circular economy
Ankita Khanna & Yohaan Kukreja
Ankita Khanna (MA Design Products, Royal College of Art) and Yohaan Kukreja (MA/MSc Innovation Design Engineeering, Royal College of Art & Imperial College London) began their journey at university, where they united their expertise to tackle pressing global and domestic (India) challenges. What started as a thesis project has now grown into RAWMaterials—a joint mission to end crop burning and drive the global shift to a circular economy across multiple industries.
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