

Retribe Clothing


Retribe Clothing 总部位于谢菲尔德,从各种来源回收材料,以防止垃圾填埋。我们对这些材料进行清洁和加工,以便再利用,并设计出在网站上销售的生活方式产品。我们以循环模式为目标,直接向客户销售,在两个月内就在 Instagram 上拥有了 10K 粉丝。我们的目标是建立一个升级再造社区,与零售商合作收集损坏的户外装备,延长产品寿命,并提供维修工作坊。我们致力于通过周到的设计和材料利用,减少户外行业的浪费。

Retribe Clothing
Retribe clothing is a manufacturing movement- right here in Sheffield. We are changing the way products are manufactured utilising products and materials that are at the end of their lifespan. We salvage product from festivals that are left behind and buy unwanted deadstock fabrics. We hope to become a community where we encourage people and brands to recycle through sustainable channels- such as ourselves and teach people how to make other products out of their damaged and unwanted goods, we will be holding workshops and lectures from our factory in Sheffield to bring our community together.
Lauren Mason, Benjamin Harman
Lauren and Ben have worked together in the outdoor industry for over 12 years. Designing and developing products for large corporate brands and companies. Upon seeing the amount of waste that was churning out of the industry they decided they can do something to solve this problem.
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