

The Morigin Project


Morigin项目是一个组织系统,打算在塞内加尔开始一个可持续的Moringa Oleifera种植系统,由当地合作社管理。其目的是净化受污染的水,丰富他们的食物供应,并在当地市场管理资源。除此之外,该项目将通过培训工人如何加工树木来提供新的就业机会。这个项目的创新之处在于使用辣木种子粉来净化第三世界国家被污染的水,并对农村社区的未来产生强烈的社会影响,因为这是一个由人民为人民制定的项目。

IED European Institute of Design
I attended the Product Design course at the European Institute of Design in Milan, where I developed design skills in different areas of design from the development of a concept to the actual realisation of a product and service system. The course was a transversal path that allowed me to develop new skills and concretely realise tangible and intangible projects from both a technological, social and environmental point of view. The project I am most proud of is the one I developed for my degree thesis which I had the opportunity to carry out once I finished my studies.
Francesca Pedrotti, Teresa Colombo, Alessandro Maggioni
The Morigin Project is born from the idea of three young Product Design students, but it became real through the networking of collaborators and interlocutors from different backgrounds (agronomist, chemist, farmer, associations such as GoFundMe and UNIDO).
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