

Sustainable Wood Sunglasses


大多数太阳镜由塑料制成,非常沉重。水上运动爱好者往往从不佩戴太阳镜,以保护他们敏感的眼睛,否则他们就有可能将太阳镜遗失在水深之处。由于无法打捞和回收,反过来又会意外污染世界各地的水域。这款太阳镜适合任何喜欢在水边活动的人,尤其是冲浪板爱好者。我们的木材资源取自可持续发展的竹林,采用浮而不沉的创新技术,最佳的 UV400 防护和偏光镜片。再也不会丢失一副眼镜了。

Lit Eyewear
Lit Eyewear is a startup company that wants to reduce the amount of plastics in the world but also wants to promote good eye health for everyone. Microplastics have recently been found in human blood, in the ocean and in the clouds. Wood from the bamboo forests is sustainable because it grows rapidly. Ryan recently created and trademarked Lit Eyewear to help him educate others about Pinguecula and Photokeratitis, while at the same time educate about microplastics and what we can do to help reduce the amount of plastic that is in our lives and in the environment around us.
Lit Eyewear
Ryan Pound
At an early age I sunburned my blues which is called Photokeratitis. Over time I developed Pinguecula which is a harmless yellowish raised growth on the white part of your eye. It's like a natural callus or a layer of scare tissue. It was formed as a protection. Besides the bump, other common symptoms include eye redness, irritation and dry eye. I was determined to create and design a pair of sunglasses for surfboarding and water enthusiasts meanwhile, sticking to my California roots of offering something that is sustainable and healthy for the environment. Lit Eyewear was born.
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