


展示 3D 打印的可持续性

5Rings 展示了创新的制造工艺,以及我们创造有意义、美观且突出可持续发展的物品的能力。13 位设计师设计了一枚纪念国际奥林匹克田径赛事的戒指。每个设计的戒指都用珐琅银、粉末涂层青铜、不锈钢、聚乳酸和丙烯酸树脂制作了五次。所有戒指都对其独特的生态影响进行了分析。该系列戒指表明,相同的基础设计会产生不同的影响,这取决于材料和生产方法。

University of Oregon
The mission of the Department of Product Design at the University of Oregon is to catalyze students of all kinds to produce world-changing design. Product visions that foster enhanced life and livability are supported through the study of usability, materiality, manufacturability and storytelling. As a program of the University of Oregon, our overarching mission is to serve the state of Oregon with exceptional teaching and discovery.
Luka Allen, Rhys Forbes, Lauren Ha, Anna Koebel, Katrina Larrabee, Colin McNamee, Maya Merrill, Eli Mikiten, Tyler Riedell, Audrey Saing, Nicholas Sogge, Quinn Vandecasteele, Harrison Wilkins
5Rings was a collaborative project among many talented design students at the University of Oregon. The design team consisted of 13 designers who each worked to produce a ring of their design in 5 different materials. Each designer ideated and prototyped a ring that was inspired by the 2024 summer Olympics. The designers took the span of their three month long university term to design and produce these rings. The designers relied on each other to workshop ideas and help each other be successful. They also used help from their professor and other artists from the university.
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