

After Life


生命之后 "公司为客户量身定制海洋纪念礁,作为传统葬礼的可持续替代方案。这些纪念礁是为纪念亲人而量身定制的,非常适合那些希望以一种有意义的方式保留记忆,同时为海洋保护做出贡献的家庭。After Life 利用生成设计和三维打印技术,将骨灰、贝类废物和藻类制作成纪念礁,既保护了珊瑚生态系统,又减少了碳排放,还实现了垃圾填埋场废物的再利用,既环保又创新。

Royal College of Art
The MA/ MSc Innovation Design Engineering (IDE) programme is a unique double Master’s Programme that has been run jointly with Imperial College London for 40 years. The programme aims to create a new type of innovator, one who will be a global leader in the integration of design, engineering, science and enterprise, and distinctively positioned to tackle the volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous challenges society and the planet face.
Felix Ke Chen, Cody Kullman, Haoyue Lin, Yuhan Liu & Yalena Yang Sun
Felix Chen is a product designer and social innovator working across disciplines. His projects focus on coffee innovation, generative design, and social issues such as surveillance and human rights. As part of his final year project, he wishes to make a significant contribution to the coffee industry. After Life is a project collaborated with Cody Kullman (MA Textiles), Haoyue Lin (MA Design Products), Yuhan Liu (MA Fashion) and Yalena Yang Sun (MA Service Design) at Royal College of Art.
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