



CIRCA 是用消费后的陶瓷废料制成的高品质瓷器。仅荷兰的二手商店每年就有约 1100 万公斤的废品被填埋。我们利用这些废弃物为工作前景黯淡的人们创造了宝贵的工作机会。我们将废弃碎片转化为新的粘土配方,使其成为生产周期中的宝贵资源,从而减少开采资源和运输/干燥/烧制过程中的二氧化碳排放。我们在 CIRCA 粘土的配方中加入不同比例的碎片,最高可达 100%。我们可以根据生产技术改变配方,使废料更明显或不明显,甚至可以自上光。

Studio Lotte Douwes / Meaningful Matter
Studio Lotte Douwes is a design studio led by Lotte Douwes and has a strong focus on high-quality ceramic designs and circular production methods. The collections Lotte designs play with the concept of space. Such as Lamp&Socket Collection or Spatial Vase. Studio Lotte Douwes researches and experiments with circular use of raw materials and especially ceramic waste shards, from which, among other things, the Circular Collection was created.
Lotte Douwes
Lotte Douwes transforms ceramic-, and specifically porcelain waste, into new tableware and interior products. She designs high-quality clay recipes that require lower firing temperatures. Her mission is to make the entire production process of pottery and porcelain circular, making major savings on precious raw materials and energy consumption. From the outside, you can’t always see that it is made from waste. The result is a beautiful and attractive product, inspired by Japanese and Danish design aesthetics, made to cherish a lifetime.
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